The Viseum Brand is well known for introducing complex cutting-edge technologies as trusted plug-and-play Product Solutions.

Viseum Technology Introduction Programme
- Optimize time, resources, and budgets to be trained and equipped to deliver the best security and surveillance services. Use the most advanced and future-proof equipment and software.
- See how different technologies can be combined to create extra security and surveillance applications. Optimize budgets and business plans for working with Viseum long term.
The educating nature of Viseum’s Disruptive Technology needs an efficient sales process. Used for basic training, product evaluation, and familiarisation, this innovation enhances the customer’s security with optimized time and investments. We have many customers who remain at just this level. First, introduce the Viseum Intelligent Panoramic Security Camera and the Viseum Central Intelligent Video Management System (Viseum CiVMS). This is the most popular plug-and-play CCTV technology for Viseum customers to understand and benefit from immediately. This results in these new situational awareness capabilities:
- Cover the size of 4 Olympic stadiums with 1 Viseum camera. See all around in high quality. At the same time automatically zoom into the scene for close-up video.
- Viseum iVOS Software Technology Services automatically monitors all cameras and automatically controls PTZ Cameras to automatically detect, confirm, and follow multiple incidents in any direction at the same time.
“Governments use Viseum® cameras to win power and to remain in control for longer. A citywide CCTV project can start with a demonstration of just one Viseum® camera.” (Viseum UK Group President)
This delivers more than the customer’s expectations. Shows how any other CCTV technology in complex and challenging environments can compromise the reputation of an entire security network. A city’s most vulnerable areas, or crime hotspots, are usually selected for this, running for 1 to 2 months.
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After the customer has experienced these benefits and understood Viseum’s entry-level capabilities, as well as Viseum training and support services, they can then be introduced to more advanced Viseum Product Solutions. Such as automated face-to-person confirmation, automated registered number to vehicle confirmation and automated person/vehicle following.
This deployment option is Viseum iVOS FaceRec. Typically starting after the 1st month of level 1 and lasts for 1 to 2 months. This is for the training of face database management, watchlist management, and how to use it. For example, find and follow people, and allow/disallow people into controlled areas.
This is a demonstration displaying the uses of LEVEL 1 and 2 of this programme. It has many other advanced systems in operation.
This deployment option is for Viseum iVOS ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition). Typically starting after the 1st month of level 2 and lasts for 1 to 2 months. This is for the training of vehicle database management and watchlist management. Also, how to use it. For example, find and follow vehicles, and allow/disallow vehicles into controlled areas.
Levels 2 and 3 will each take 2 weeks of field training and typically use:
- 10 x directional HD cameras and 10 x Viseum IMC cameras.
- Dedicated Viseum CiVMS servers running iVOS FaceRec Software and another running iVOS ANPR Software.
Typically starting after the 1st month of level 3. This level of Viseum’s Technology Introduction Programme is for automated people surveillance in complex and challenging environments. This uses Viseum iVOS F3 (find, fix and follow). It automatically identifies and automatically re-identifies targets (people and vehicles) throughout the CCTV network.
This functionality is based on geospatial information. It typically runs for 1 to 3 months. For the most efficient environment for training, a ‘Closed World’ site will be needed. This is where people and vehicles are confined. Such as an airport or a shopping centre.
Level 4 takes 1 month of field training and will typically use:
- 20 x directional HD cameras and 20 x Viseum IMC cameras.
- A dedicated Viseum CiVMS server running iVOS F3 software.
This is the use of all previous levels of Viseum technologies at the same time with Viseum iVOS Global F3. Follow people in an ‘Open World’ environment such as citywide surveillance. This also uses information about people from many databases. From criminal databases to employee databases. Also, online situational awareness services such as world and/or local news. Automatically cross-check their locations, their social media activity, and their associations with others.
There is a very large number of uses for Viseum’s iVOS F3 functionality. F3 operating with iVOS FaceRec and/or iVOS ANPR, makes it impractical to provide a full training package for each application. These training packages are customised for each end user’s security project requirements. Technical support manuals are customised to suit each partner’s technical knowledge and desired capabilities.
Facial Recognition Software is a new commodity product and therefore often procured with price competitive tendering, in which Viseum does not participate. During border crossings, it is common for legitimate travellers to fail face recognition but pass interviews with border security personnel.
- Viseum® Global F3™ Video Intelligence Another world’s first from Viseum® – Global F3™ Find, Fix ...
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- Viseum’s Command Control Optimized Situational Awareness Obtain the complete ground truth using Command Control ...
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Viseum CCTV Training
Downloads for CCTV Technology Introduction:
- Safe City Pilot/POC
- Phased Surveillance Technology Introduction
- Panoramic Security Camera HD PTZ Model – One of Viseum’s most popular Viseum IMC models.
- Intelligent CCTV Viseum iVOS – Presents the many problems with CCTV and what Viseum Product Solutions can do for the customer and the benefits of how they operate.
- Operational CCTV Training
- Remote Managed Support – CCTV Support
- Sales Demonstrations
- Project Delivery Test Options