After seeing Viseum IMC cameras monitoring their perimeter and within the perimeter's compound, a city governor said he will save lives by detecting insurgents approaching and infiltrating his city without risking the lives of his guards.

Long-Range Wireless Security Camera

Viseum® AiRadio™ Long-Range Wireless Systems

Long-range wireless communications of 200 km per wireless transmitter.

Long-Range Wireless CCTV Benefits

  • High-quality CCTV video transmitted over the longest range Wireless CCTV. Viseum has perfected the video transmission technique called Real-Time Auto-Balancing.
  • The Viseum 360 Security Camera was also designed to deliver the highest quality images using low bandwidth. It is the only camera in the world to automatically create the long-term deterrent of a remote site.
  • Operates completely automatically, standalone. A remote monitoring infrastructure is not needed. If a CCTV operator is not available, or if the wireless communications are faulty, Viseum IMCs will keep performing automatically.

Wireless CCTV – Long-range Radio or 4/5G Mobile Networks

Viseum’s technical support team set up and commissioned London’s Metropolitan Police wireless CCTV cameras and communications services. The head of the Metropolitan Police IT support said, “We tried everything for several months but we could not get our wireless security camera systems to work. We called in Viseum’s wireless support engineers and they had everything working in just two days.”


Wireless CCTV Camera - Gigapixel PTZ

Gigapixel Analytics Wireless CCTV Camera

The appearance of the Viseum’s Wireless CCTV Cameras is they are operating intelligently protecting all surroundings. This displays to criminals that the entire site is constantly watched. 


Highest Quality and Most Secure Mobile CCTV and Wireless CCTV Systems for Command Control 

Using the most advanced automated PTZ Camera in the world to benefit from proactive operator surveillance and secure wireless CCTV cameras. For the best of both worlds, where machine-to-machine intelligent automation interplays with human vigilance. The Viseum IMC solves crime faster than any other camera solution. This encourages many redeployments to follow crime whenever and wherever it occurs. Viseum wireless security cameras are used for redeployable surveillanceremote monitoringrapid deployment and manned response solutions.



Multi-Camera Wireless CCTV SolutionsLong-Range Wireless CCTV Solutions Datasheet

Viseum Long-Range Wireless CCTV Systems provide secure broadcast quality real-time wireless surveillance camera video. They are well-used throughout the world for many different types of wireless CCTV. The Viseum wireless CCTV cameras outperform all other brands giving:


  • Single or dual-channel frame/field division multiplexing (proprietary IPR).
  • Single channel up to 4 cameras or dual channels for up to 8 cameras.
  • AES 256 bit (American Encryption Standard) secure wireless broadcast encryption.


Intelligent CCTV Panoramic Security Camera


Wireless CCTV Camera long-range-wireless-broadband-1gbps_Page_1

Long-Range Wireless Broadband Datasheet 10Gbps

Single-channel for multi-camera feeds for easy PTZ Camera installation upgrades – eliminate multi-channel fibre links
  • Multiple surveillance cameras to single-channel multiplexing devices for control room feed (proprietary IPR).
Viseum-driven wireless products are developed, manufactured and supported in England
  • All Viseum-driven wireless products are guaranteed for 3 years.
  • Lowest power consumption compared with rival wireless security camera manufacturers:
    • Longest battery life.
    • Less prone to failure due to heat.
    • Fewer operational overheads.
Greater number of camera deployments per area
  • Superior broadcast bandwidth efficiency.
  • Advanced noise elimination techniques.
Long-distance secure radio broadcast using standard licence-free bands L, S, and C @ maximum 500 mW
  • Line of sight 10-22 km.
  • Non-line of sight 300-700 m.
Advanced frequency/channel management and commissioning service
  • Ensures easy and rapid successful redeployments.
  • Coexists with all other brands of wireless CCTV systems.
  • Marine-grade IP68 rated weatherproofing for installations close to the sea.
  • Anti-jamming, dual-path, self-healing frequency protocol.

Wireless CCTV Camera Technology –
Designed, developed, built and supported in Great Britain